Toe Beans

This is a bit of a departure from what I usually post here (or don’t, as the case may be in recent years) but if you’ve read my bio page, you will know that I have hopes and aspirations of being recognized as the female version of Weird Al Yankovic. In an attempt to get closer to that goal, I was lucky enough to get the blessing from my boss to rewrite the lyrics to Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” and record “Toe Beans” on company time. I hope you will enjoy.

The Most Interesting Songs I’ve Heard This Week

One of the saddest movies we were ever subjected to as children was based on Ray Bradbury’s short story, All Summer In A Day.

all-summer-in-a-day-ray-bradbury-speculative-fiction-and-science-fiction-1-638It’s the one where this little girl who lives on a different planet where it rains all the time, gets bullied and ends up locked away during the one day the sun comes out and everyone is too psyched to be soaking up the sun to go and get this poor child out of the closet until it’s too late. That is how my soul feels right now. It’s been a long ass winter and Seattle has basically turned me into a shell of myself.

To put an end to my doom and gloom and try to wake my brain up from its hibernation status*, I’ve decided to listen to music again and even share the stuff I really like with anyone interested in listening.

*I will be doing the same for my body, which currently looks and feels like a white chocolate marshmallow, but I’m giving myself until Monday because there’s a few things in the fridge I’m going to pound into my face before beginning any sort of “lifestyle change” regimen.


And with that…

SONG OF THE WEEK: Nick Hackim – The Want

For the briefest moment, I was like, “Did someone from Duck Dynasty perform at SXSW?” but then this angelic voice came forth and gave my soul a massage and wrapped it in a steamed hand towel.

Final Verdict: Smooth like a Rob Thomas/Santana collaboration.

John Andrews & The Yawns – Painting a Picture


Final Verdict: I can almost see the sunset and feel my feet in the sand.

Afternude – American Spirit [SUBLIME MUSIC]

Final Verdict: Will be listening to repeatedly any time I have a big cleaning job/impromptu Zumba routine around the house.

Sage The Gemini – Now and Later (Merk & Kremont Remix)

Final Verdict: This song makes me nostalgic for my childhood. My friends and I would hit up Mr. B’s after school where I’d spend half of my allowance on Garbage Pail Kid cards and Now & Laters. I lost a lot of brackets on my braces to those.

Karl Hungus – Level

Final Verdict: My need to dance to this song is a definite sign I’m ready for Spring to get sprung up in this bish.

Adult Karate – Mirrors *Side C (Mix)


Final Verdict: Age of Aquarius vibes

Eye Of The Needle (ft. Grace Park)

Final Verdict: Grace Park’s tender vocals wrapped themselves around my heart.

The Kraken Quartet – Chance The Dog (The Song)


Final Verdict: They tagged their song with #mathrock and I didn’t hate it. It’s dreamy and, if I’m being honest, kind of classy.

Couch to 5k Week 9 Version 4

14956576_10154117876740885_1587695343467403140_nHey Homeslices, I’m back with a new podcast to round out version 4 of this series! Since it’s 2017 and, well, EVERYTHING, I did things a little bit differently (like, very, very slightly different) at the beginning of this podcast. If you don’t like change, try it anyway. If you are completely resistant, you can fast forward to about the 2:40 mark to start our usual walking warm-up.

Chubby Jones Couch to 5k Podcast Week 9 Version 4 (right click “save as”)

Our soundtrack today includes the following:


Chubby Jones C25k Week 8 V4 Podcast

Unfortunately, the podcast host I use to publish to iTunes hasn’t updated my storage like they should have, but even if I had all my storage for the month, it wouldn’t be enough for this Week 8 Couch to 5k Podcast (right click “save as”), because it is packed with JAMZZZ!

I didn’t want to make you wait any longer, so while I try to figure out my storage situation, you can get your run on.

Start with your 5 minute walking warm-up, and then get your head together to run/jog/walk/twerk for the next 28 minutes.

Couch to 5k Running Podcast: Week 7 V4

We’ve made it to week 7 and considering the political shit-storm currently happening (I’m sure you feel it regardless of which candidate you’re rooting for) it’s the perfect time to channel your rage into something positive – like accomplishing your goals and getting healthy!


We’ll be doing our regular 5 minute walking warm-up, followed by 25 minutes of nonstop running! Lace up them shoes, stretch it out and get ready to leave behind any limiting beliefs you brought with you because you’re about to kick some serious ass.

Download the Couch to 5k Week 7 Version 4 podcast (right click “save as)


Get as psyched about how far you’ve come as Oprah is about bread!


(for those of you who have seen me post this gif already, sorry/not sorry, but it’s some of my greatest work and I will post it from the mountaintops)