Chubby Jones Couch to 5k Podcast Version 4

Playing in the snow with Marshall Jolie-Pitt

Oh snap – it’s 2015 y’all! I’m a little bit concerned about how quickly time is going by these days, however, I am also enjoying myself a lot more these days. Damn, that adage is true! Unfortunately, I’m also concerned about the way my winter weight isn’t just creeping up on me, it has basically slapped me in the face and decided to crash on my couch for an undetermined amount of time. BUT – I just forked over money for a gym membership and new running shoes and I’m ready to evict that bitch and get my ass in gear to run a 10k this summer (I realize that a half marathon would’ve been more impressive, but all that training would really interfere with my drinking schedule).

And so I present to you: Week 1 version 4(!!!) of the Chubby Jones Couch to 5k podcast. I think I found some great music to get us started with a 5 minute walking warmup followed by intervals of 60 seconds of running jogging and 90 seconds of brisk walking for a total of 20 minutes (the math on this is a little iffy, but whatever).

Without further ado, here is the latest Couch to 5k Week 1 podcast (right click, “save as”)

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